Among the materials with which classics are made of glass ashtrays are promotional (clear or colored), ceramic or plastic. Of smoking excellence, always present on bar tables and often at home, so that lends itself to broad dissemination of your logo and your picture. Will come later in the specific, introducing some kind of customizable ashtrays that I think are most notable for its originality, quality, fit. In this article I will focus on analyzing the possibility of personalization, the convenience of communicating your image on an ashtray, dispensing some advice on what to print and where to print a promotional ashtrays.
Utility to customize a promotional ashtray

Despite the launch of the anti-smoking laws and their tightening in recent years has prevented customers smoking on the premises without a special smoking area, able to say that the ashtray had "straight shot" by changing its functionality according to the place of employment .

Continuing to serve as a common outdoor ashtrays in areas where smoking is allowed elsewhere is used as an ashtray promotional dirt collector (chewing gum, napkins, toothpicks, or reduced to small pieces coasters) or as svuotatasche or "make the rest "at the counter or next to the cash register.

For those reasons I consider the ashtray promotional still an excellent means of advertising.

At what point should customize an ashtray?

I answer the question of just over placing a logical argument.

A promotional ashtrays can be customized based on the top or on the base side, the first goes down and the ash will go off the cigarettes, the second is usually placed on the stump, while the third surface is always visible to those sitting the table.
The ash in the long run dirty and black base of the ashtray, obscuring your logo and making it unreadable texts written in miniature.

Council therefore prefer the printed board or socket (less prone to "corruption") if you plan to use your ashtrays in the traditional manner or if it does not assume a frequent replacement.

If the ash does not clobber the base without a doubt I recommend customizing the bottom of the ashtray. You will like this area of ??the size suitable for printing your logo and contact information.

What promotional print on an ashtray?

Ashtrays on the board to print only the logo and phone number.
Most of the customers while sitting at the table will have a cell phone, with which we will note down the name of your company or make a phone call.

If the target is young or particularly devoted to technology can bring a web address, your email or your facebook page, smart phones (Blackberry and iPhone) now allow you to surf the Internet anywhere.

What does it cost to make a personal ashtray?

The customization of an ashtray can have a promotional price varied, depending on the material with which the ashtray itself is the product (plastic, glass, ceramics). However the cheapest plastic ashtrays are customized with silkscreen printing 1 or 2 colors.

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