palloncini promozionali

Advertising balloons are a very common product and essential for every promotion and event.

Did you know that before the latex balloons was invented in the 19th century, we used to make balloons with dried animal bladders ?
Since then, the mass production started in the years 1930.

Let’s find out how balloons are produced starting from the harvest of latex…

The latex comes from a tropical tree : the Hevea Brasiliensis who can be found in the Amazon forest, in Asia and Africa. To collect the the latex, incisions are made orthogonally to the latex vessels, just deep enough to tap the vessels without harming the tree’s growth, and the sap is collected in small buckets. This process is known as rubber tapping.

The Latex is then treated and transformed for its industrial use. It’s the main raw material used in the balloons manufacturing process.

The Latex is then poured into a tank where it will be filtered to eliminate lumps, the ink is added and both will be mixed during 15 hours to dilute the ink homogeneously, and avoid the latex to get frozen. Once the mix is done, they plunge the metal moulds that will give its shape to the balloons into the latex tank.

The latex dries very quickly so instantly the moulds are passed into a machine with metallic brushes who rolls up the extremity of the balloons to make balloon closure easier.

Then balloons are dipped into hot water to clean impurities and avoid allergies.

Finally, the balloons pass into a wind tunnel where they are removed from their mould.

To finish the process, the balloons are washed up with a special cleansing solution that finishes to vulcanize the latex.
And here you have: a nice inflatable balloons which will be printed to become a advertising balloon!

Feel free to contact us to have more information on the balloons manufacturing or to buy advertising balloons.

palloncini promozionali, palloni gonfiabili personalizzati

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