Who has never used plastic film to wrap food or cover containers to keep in the fridge? Maybe nobody.

Now it's time to change course.

Media awareness on the theme of ecology has meant that we are all more careful to using alternative resources to those that are more polluting, where possible.

In this regard, our product research team has found valid alternatives to plastic, to use in the kitchen.

The product that we absolutely loved the most is the so-called Beeswax Wrap, a kit consisting of three sheets made with beeswax, jojoba oil and tree resin. These natural ingredients are not only ecological and make the object biodegradable, but contain useful properties to make food last longer, reducing waste.

Another very special feature is that they completely cover the food, or cover the containers, taking the shape of the same. They are also washable and therefore reusable.

Sheets that compose the kit can be of three different sizes, which can be totally customized with one or more patterns, and are enclosed in a recyclable packaging of equally customizable cardboard.

Being the kit thin and light, it adapts perfectly to any type of promotion: it can be attached to magazines, sent home, used as a gift in events related to ecological themes, such as give away in food & beverage fairs etc...

The kit can be used for many gift occasions, it is a useful and reusable object for which the brand that decides to customize it will be easily remembered. But above all ... it is a news in the market with which you can still surprise!

For more information on this product contact us!

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