During this complex period, each of us for his own professional skills may have asked himself how things will go when the activities reopen, what will be the best trends, what our target audience will expect.

Our readings and insights have focused on the promotional and communication by object, to give you interesting ideas for the imminent future.

From the very marked attention to don’t waste and to the use of recycled and ecological materials, we have drastically moved towards personal hygiene and we are sure that this trend will last for a long time, even when we start to frequent crowded places, from restaurants to gyms and so on.

Today we are reviewing an item that was widely used in this period: the hand sanitizer gel. However, we propose it in a different format from those currently on the market, in a disposable promotional packaging. We imagine it could be a welcome gift in any type of public place where there is necessarily contact with objects and people; it is also very easy to think of for a large distribution, for example enclosed to a magazine or aboard an airplane instead of the refreshing wipes that are given to passengers.

As you can imagine, it is possible to totally customize the packaging, and also its shape. You can also have kits with a customizable box and multiple disposable sachets inside.

For more information, our team, currently in smart-working but fully operational, will be happy to answer all your requests.

  • PLAY HAS NEVER BEEN SO SPECIAL! Fans of gambling are growing, it is a fact. Gambling opportunities, once limited to the casinos and the lottery, have proliferated thanks to the network and the legalization of gambling halls and appliances (now more than 400,000 in Italy) disseminated to tobacco and public exercises that simulate poker, blackjack, roulette and all the typical games of the casino. The passion for the game is rooted in the desire to escape from the daily routine, to have fun through strong feelings. Many games are still lived in the company are also opportunities for aggregation in the private sector (who does not remember the evening of poker between friends?), Where the rising excitement is combined with conviviality.
  • Who has never used plastic film to wrap food or cover containers to keep in the fridge? Maybe nobody. Now it's time to change course. Media awareness on the theme of ecology has meant that we are all more careful to using alternative resources to those that are more polluting, where possible. In this regard, our product research team has found valid alternatives to plastic, to use in the kitchen.
  • Promotional items, advertising and gifts, characterized by the vegetable content. The packages are all customizable and contain seeds, bulbs or plants. The specificity of this product line is to create an original communication, natural and immediately attributable to environmental, natural and educational, thanks to the symbolic value of flowers, plants and trees.

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