We go intothe summerissueandthe articleI am presenting todayis dedicatedtoseainflatable cushions.
ThesebearingsPVCtransparent oropaquecolored,inflatablefloatsand thereforecan be used bothfor resting yourhead on thebed on the beachas wellasstoragein water. It'a very useful producton the beachand thereforecarries thebrandapplied tostay closeto the user andtobedisclosed incrowded placessuch asbeaches.
Snow White, black magic, fire red and pink sweetness are just some of the colors available for the new item in stock from Gadget Lab
Despite presenting himself as a promotional gadget, has an outstanding quality and performance of the highest level.The new headsets are equipped with gold-plated jack (the experts already know what does), while all the others ... SCREAM audio !!
Promotional items, advertising and gifts, characterized by the vegetable content.
The packages are all customizable and contain seeds, bulbs or plants. The specificity of this product line is to create an original communication, natural and immediately attributable to environmental, natural and educational, thanks to the symbolic value of flowers, plants and trees.
Getting used to drinking with reusable bottles and glasses instead of plastic bottles or disposable glasses is a small step of responsibility towards the environment and ourselves. If then the material composition of these articles originates from natural elements, even better.
Today we present the Straw Fiber Plastic (SFP), made up of straw and plastic fibers. The straw fiber is made from natural elements such as wheat shells, corn citrus or rice bran that are mixed with polypropylene to obtain a resistant fiber.
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