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Every year, a third of all food produced in the world is wasted. This is equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes according to figures from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Association, with a forecast of 2.1 billion tons of food that will be thrown away in 2030. The data is alarming but the reduction of food waste is within everyone’s reach and we can do something to improve it in our daily routine.

Italians has always been divided between those who love to shop at the supermarket and those who have to do it out of necessity but would gladly avoid it.
Since last March, on the other hand, it seems that going out to buy basic things is a good choice to get some fresh air and get distracted, given the new anti-covid rules we are all obliged to.

Here we are again. We are still asked to isolate ourselves from our sociality. But now we feel prepared, we know how to work remotely, how to entertain with relatives and friends at distance, how to use technology at our service. And it's not just a personal feeling. One of the many researches that have been carried out on the subject reveals that 79% of Italians today cannot give up on technology in their daily life. Social networks (82%), chat with friends (75%) and surfing on web (68%), are the main activities carried out every day. This is what emerges from Samsung's Trend Radar, which recently conducted a study on two thousand people between the ages of 20 and 50.

The search for potentially aseptic materials to be used not only in the health sector, but also at home, has pushed research towards the development of treatments that confer antimicrobial properties to various materials, such as plastics, fabrics, paints, fibers. This trend has experienced a surge as a result of the Covid-19 emergency.
How the promotional items market is operating in this field?