Alwayswelcome bythose who receive themfrom, thecompany Christmasgiftsare alsostatementof admiration andgratitudefor the person,for the workand the professionalismdemonstrated.
Every year, many companies find themselves in difficultyin the choice ofcompany Christmasgifts: the gift mustbe appropriate,for simplicity,to alargetarget(men and women, young and old...).Must also meetbudget requirementsdefined and,at the same timebe something original, might be a usefulandnon-obvious.
So why notfocuson the green?
Thecorporate giftis definitelyone of thevarious forms of communicationthat canhelp spreadthe brand imageand values of thesociety.
Therefore, ifduring the yearsustainability has beenplaced betweenbusiness goals, or if you are planningof activities aimed atreducing the impact ofits activitiesbecause theystrengthen andmakeknownour workthroughpersonalized businessChristmas gifts?
Give a flowerin a cantransmit ahigh added valuetotheenvironment.Whysee aflower, a plantoran aromatic herbthat grow fromsmall seeds,communicatepositive messagesrelated to thegreen, well-being, to nature.
An act of responsibilitythat the companycaters to bothemployeesto involvethe sharingof corporate objectivesofsustainability, but alsoto customers andother stakeholdersto show them thenewroad takenby the company.
Always welcome by those who receive them from, the company Christmas gifts are also statement of admiration and gratitude for the person, for the work and the professionalism demonstrated.Every year, many companies find themselves in difficulty in the choice of company Christmas gifts: the gift must be appropriate, for simplicity, to a large target (men and women, young and old ...). Must also meet budget requirements defined and, at the same time be something original, might be a useful and non-obvious.
During this complex period, each of us for his own professional skills may have asked himself how things will go when the activities reopen, what will be the best trends, what our target audience will expect.
Our readings and insights have focused on the promotional and communication by object, to give you interesting ideas for the imminent future.
Getting used to drinking with reusable bottles and glasses instead of plastic bottles or disposable glasses is a small step of responsibility towards the environment and ourselves. If then the material composition of these articles originates from natural elements, even better.
Today we present the Straw Fiber Plastic (SFP), made up of straw and plastic fibers. The straw fiber is made from natural elements such as wheat shells, corn citrus or rice bran that are mixed with polypropylene to obtain a resistant fiber.
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