Folding keyboards, backlitand virtual The brandjust a"hand"
Bluetooth LaserVirtualKeyboard (virtual keyboard): This futuristickeyboard, is nothing buta laser devicethat projects63 keyson the surfaceof red color,recreatingthe noise. Useful forPDAs andsmartphones, but itcan also be usedfor the computer, it connects via Bluetooth.
Roll-upkeyboard (foldable keyboard): QWERTYstandard keyboardwith 104keys, when notused can berolled up andcarry it with youwith a small footprint, quietand dust-proof, with PS /2 and USB, provides15 millionofkeystrokes.
BacklitKeybord(backlit keyboard) witha rubber basethat ensuresstability on theshelf, its 104 keysare special in thatlight, allowing its useeven in the dark, the color of light, whichspreadsalsofrom the sides, canbe blue, red orpurple.
Appelhigh foreveryday objectsand you will haveyoung and old ;)
Christmas is the time for giving. When we give gifts to our love ones, why not give some to the environment?!The Eco-friendly Cardboard Christmas tree is designed to take advantage of all the benefits of Cartotecnica and be particularly suitable for promotion.
Who has never used plastic film to wrap food or cover containers to keep in the fridge? Maybe nobody.
Now it's time to change course.
Media awareness on the theme of ecology has meant that we are all more careful to using alternative resources to those that are more polluting, where possible.
In this regard, our product research team has found valid alternatives to plastic, to use in the kitchen.
Bringing fresh water under the beach umbrella means having to consume it within maximum half an hour if we don't want to literally find it "boiled". To say nothing of the lunch inside the plastic box.
This situation can be solved by adding a cooler bag to the classic “bundles” which, together with the beach bag, the sack with toys for children etc..., contributes to a real explosion of discomfort.
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